Entertainment Is Unmatched With Honda’s Apple CarPlay!

Honda Pilot interior
The joys of owning a Honda never end. From plenty of safety features to cutting-edge technology, Honda has you covered. One amazing feature Honda has available in their 2020 Pilot is the Apple CarPlay® Integration. Apple CarPlay is compatible with your iPhone and is easily utilized through your touchscreen display.... [read more]

Delight Your Tastebuds With This Unique Pimento Cheese Recipe

Pimento Cheese Spread with Toasted Crostini's
Having the best pimento cheese recipe around is a badge of honor for many people. There are many different variations of the recipe out there, but when yours is recognized as best, it just feels good. If you want to be known for having the best pimento cheese, then you... [read more]

Try Out These Natural Lip Balm Recipes

natural lip balms from beeswax in tin pots
During the winter, it’s easy for your skin to get dry. Unfortunately, that includes your lips. When your lips are dry, they are prone to cracking and breaking, which can be annoying at best and painful at worst. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to keep your lips as hydrated... [read more]

Adorable And Simple Winter Crafts For Kids

paper snowflake crafts
During the winter months, your kids may be stuck inside more than usual. However, you probably don’t want them to spend their entire day in front of a screen. Instead of unlimited computer time, help them stoke up their creativity by giving them a simple craft to do. Crafting is... [read more]

Unlock These Tips For Getting Your Oil Changed

Check the oil in Car Engine
Having a car is great. It makes getting around so much easier, and it makes everything seem more convenient. But with all that extra convenience also comes the fact that you have to think about maintenance. Taking care of your car is very important. First of all, it will help... [read more]