The holidays and PTO days are sadly over, and it’s time to get back into your daily routine that will carry you through 2021. While it might seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be, especially if you have a plan of attack. The most crucial part of any routine is how you begin it. So, let’s focus on our morning routines and see if we can find some new ideas that might work best. Before you know it, you’ll be crushing your goals and it’ll be a piece of cake.
Consistent Wake-Up Time
Getting up too early, or too late, can totally throw off your morning. Once you find the sweet spot of the morning, make that your new go-to time to wake up. Once you establish this as part of your routine, your body clock will start to adjust and will eventually become used to it. Having a consistent alarm time is the key to not feeling tired or groggy, and instead, waking up feeling refreshed and well-rested.
Get Some Sun ASAP
How are you supposed to rise and shine if you’re still curled up in your dark room with the curtains drawn? Give your body a physical wake-up call and introduce yourself to sunlight right when you wake up. You’ll be up and at ’em for sure, and the sunlight will act as an alarm in and of itself.
Tidy Up
Nothing says “Let’s get this day started,” like a clean room and a made bed. Making your bed ensures you can’t hop back in, and is also just another marker that the day has begun. Add it into your routine, and when you come home tired from work at night you’ll be glad your space is neat and tidy.
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Another to wake yourself up physically is to begin the day with a glass of water. It’s a natural way to find energy and sets off a domino effect of drinking water all throughout the day. You’re on your way to a well-hydrated day when you start off with a quick chug of H20.
Enjoy these tips and go crush the day!
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