When purchasing a new car the resale value often gets over looked in terms of the cars value. But if you consider how much a Honda can be worth when it comes time to trade in value you may find yourself ahead of the game. Edmunds ranks Honda vehicles as one of the best brands to retain its resale value after five years. Honda holds nearly 50% of their resale value putting them at the head of the class.
In today’s market of buying and selling vehicles the common perception is that a brand-new car loses half its value the minute you drive it off the lot. While this may be true for the majority of car brands, Honda seems to be pulling away from the old cliché. After owning a Honda for at least five years you can generally turn around and trade it in and get 50% back. That means that over those five years if you purchased the standard model of Civic for around $18,000 then you will have only spent $1,800 a year on your Honda, and that’s if you own it. Now, that’s an incredible value!
Kelly Blue Book gave Honda the 2011 Best Resale Value award to the 2011 CR-V, maintaining more than 50% of its value. Smart shoppers get everything they want in this vehicle thanks to its utility, fuel economy and SUV style.
“People are always asking why Honda has been so successful,” said Honda of America President Akio Hamada. “The answer is simple: our associates. Their involvement and teamwork to achieve the highest quality for our customers and improve our operations have continuously driven us forward to higher levels and greater achievements.”
The Honda advantage has lasted over 50 years. It started with superior design in the engine. They are known for being one of the most reliable car brands in the world thanks to its unsurpassed quality construction.
Honda value comes from legendary quality, reliability and low cost of ownership. The engines are durable and last a long time. Reselling a Honda is an easy process because after five years the wear and tear is generally minimal making it an excellent pre-owned vehicle. The bottom line is that when a car is built to last its value will also last – making Hondas an excellent investment.
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