Troubleshooting Engine Problems

Honda Engine Problems BirminghamIf you suspect there is an issue with the functioning of your Honda engine, then your best option would be to take it to a Honda mechanic so he or she can do a thorough checkup to determine the problem and resolve it. In some cases, you may be able to troubleshoot the problem, provided you have some basic engine knowledge. Here are some of the most common issues as well as how to troubleshoot them.

Jerking at Low Speed

One common engine issue is the car starting fine but beginning to buck and jerk when you drive at a low speed. This may indicate a broken oxygen sensor, in which case you will need to replace it from its spot within the exhaust pipes. It is also possible that there is a vacuum leakage. If so, there will be a shrill, high squealing sound by the hose. This requires you to replace the broken components right away. There may also be a malfunction in the EGR valve, which would need to be fixed.

Fluctuating Engine Power

Fluctuations in engine power are subtle, but if you do notice it, you can easily troubleshoot. Take a look at the spark plugs to see if they are dirty, and, if so, regap and clean them. Your air filter may also be dirty, in which case you should wash or replace it. This may also indicate damage to or clogs in the fuel filter, which would need to be cleaned or replaced immediately.

Misfires and Surges

Sometimes if your engine misfires or surges when you don’t expect it, this may indicate that it is going to overheat. This could be due to a lack of tune-ups, not enough coolant, or insufficient radiator fluid. There may also be a malfunction with ignition timing, in which case you would need to adjust it. One more possibility is that your fuel pressure is too low because of issues with your fuel pressure regulator or fuel pump. In either case, they will need to be repaired.

Because many engine issues can have multiple possible causes, those who aren’t mechanics should always take their Honda to a professional for repairs. These troubleshooting tips are great for emergency situations or those with more experience. After troubleshooting your engine yourself, take your car to Brannon Honda in Birmingham, Alabama, so an expert technician can look it over and make sure everything is functioning properly.

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