Don’t Be Fooled by These Honda Maintenance Myths

Honda Maintenance Myths Birmingham Whether you own a Honda or another model, it is your job to maintain it. This involves taking a look at the service schedule in your owner’s manual and paying close attention to it. You will also want to rely on your common knowledge to some extent, but if you do this, you must be able to separate maintenance facts from myths.

Warming up Your Honda

It used to be that every mechanic would suggest giving your car a few minutes to warm up before you start actually driving around Birmingham. While many people still accept this as fact, it is no longer necessary and instead will waste gas and time. Modern engines will actually warm up faster simply by driving. Remember that the quicker it warms up, the sooner you will get the best possible Honda performance and mileage. If you have a used Honda model that is several decades old, then ask a certified technician whether you need to let it warm up.

Flushing the Coolant

In the past, experts suggested that you flush the coolant in your car at regular intervals that were fairly short. To make matters easier, they would recommend simply flushing the coolant whenever you have the oil changed. In reality, this is much more often than necessary. Check your owner’s manual for specifics, but you probably don’t need to flush the coolant more frequently than every 60,000 miles or 5 years. Remember, however, to check for leaks if the level seems consistently low.

The team at Brannon Honda’s service center in Birmingham, Alabama, can give you other Honda maintenance advice and help clear up myths so you don’t waste time or money on caring for your car.

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